Welcome Per Andersson, new Head of LeadIT Secretariat.

16 December 2022

Per Andersson has joined LeadIT as the Head of the Secretariat on 12 December. This is an impactful moment for LeadIT with Members India, Japan and Sweden chairing the G20, G7 and the EU, respectively, next year. After a successful Summit at COP27, steered by our Members, we are also building on our accomplishments to continue delivering on our net zero mission after 2023. Per is looking forward to serving LeadIT Members and the Board in developing the Secretariat and building the next generation of co-operation for the green transition.

Per has a lot of experience in and passion for developing multilateral partnerships, having worked as a civil servant in Sweden, the UN and the EU for about 20 years on a wide range of issues, including  sustainability, natural resources management, agriculture, industry policies, and innovation as well as climate and environmental affairs. Before joining LeadIT Per served as Deputy Director in the Swedish Prime Minister’s office responsible for EU climate affairs. Read on for Per’s takes on the future of industry transition.

What is the most important thing for industry transition right now to get to net zero by 2050?

Start now. Reaching net zero by 2050 is, after all, a transformational process requiring industrial, economic, and societal change on a local, national, regional and global level. To get it right, we all need to work together, making the transition fair, durable and sustainable. We not only need to share lessons learnt but also form genuine partnerships between the private and the public sector, between North and South, East and West, as well as between business and research breakthroughs to make this leap. Industry is taking a real lead today, not only because they must, but because it is becoming very evidently the right economic move.

What kind of positive developments towards net zero have there been in the last few years?

In the last 5-10 years, the combination of rapid technological development, increase in public awareness and global co-operation has brought about impressive results. However, more needs to be done. On all continents, we are seeing a green reindustrialisation: industry transition, electrification of transport and services is moving fast in many countries and regions in the world, increasing global competition for future green jobs. To make sure we leave nobody behind, we need to build further on this progress as partners and I truly believe that LeadIT can meaningfully support that.

How can LeadIT support industry transition in the future?

There is a real appreciation for what Leadit has achieved so far and a real desire to build further on this success. That can be, for example, through supporting industry transition roadmapping processes, making global progress more evident with industry transition trackers, spear-heading the next generation of public-private partnerships and continuing to provide a forum on all levels for partners to learn from each other. In the coming year, it will be interesting to see what the triple Presidency of India of the G20, Japan of the G7 and Sweden of the EU can do. The LeadIT Secretariat is already in talks with the Indian G20 and the Swedish EU Presidency teams. A very inspiring time to join LeadIT!


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