News & Analysis


3 May 2024

India Sweden Industry Transition Partnership (ITP) the next steps

Written by Nadia Mondini, Felipe Sanchez

On April 22, the India – Sweden Industry Transition Partnership successfully kicked off its work at its inaugural meeting held in New Delhi. Here Felipe Sanchez and Nadia Mondini from the LeadIT Secretariat take a closer look at the work of the ITP and key takeaways from New Dehli.

Cement Climate Politics Developing Countries Finance Industry Transition Partnership Partnerships Steel
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indian flag 4872723 1280

25 April 2024

Article 6 and Carbon Markets – the opportunities and the challenges

Written by Erik Olsson

A LeadIT event for members in May provided a policy briefing on Article 6 with expert opinion on how international carbon markets could work, what opportunities could they offer to reduce global emissions and what are the main challenges that need to be addressed.

Finance Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Partnerships
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24 April 2024

Global shift in green steel projects as major investments move beyond Europe into Asia

The Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT) has updated its Green Steel Tracker, a vital tool for monitoring and advancing low-carbon primary steel production worldwide. This latest release reveals a slowdown in new project announcements in Europe, but a wider spread of new investments globally.

Building materials Developing Countries Finance Steel
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leadit greensteel map v4[42]

11 March 2024

Calcined Clay – Tracking Cement Decarbonization

The cement and concrete industry is responsible for 7% of all CO2 emissions so the transition to net zero is a priority if global warming is going to be limited. One of the technologies being utilized in the push to decarbonize is clay calcination which reduces the level of emissions level in manufacturing and these projects are now included in the Green Cement Tracker to support monitoring by policymakers, industry experts, academics, and civil society.

Building materials Cement Developing Countries Finance
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screen grab from the green cement tracker showing clay calcination kilns

26 February 2024

The Need for Partnerships – A LeadIT Stakeholder Briefing

Ambassadors and representatives from 12 countries encompassing both the global south and the global north joined government and industry for a briefing in Stockholm on accelerating the industry transition. The event was hosted by the Indian Ambassador and the LeadIT Secretarial alongside the Swedish State Secretary for Climate and Environment.

Climate Politics Developing Countries Finance Partnerships Roadmaps for Industry Transition
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Group photo taken the end of th LeadIT breakfast briefing in Stockholm

5 December 2023

IFIs and heavy industry decarbonization in emerging and developing economies

Written by Nadia Mondini, Aaron Maltais, Åsa Moberg

International Financial Institutions and heavy industry decarbonisation in emerging and developing economies - An overview of technical and financial assistance available.

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Image via patrick hendry - unsplash